Monday, 28 March 2022

Take Cover My People – Received 3rd April 2020


Take Cover My People 3rd April 2020

Behold a holocaust comes, it comes. My raging fire against humanity and it’s sins. A raging fire from my own hand. The winds of change are here, do you feel it in the atmosphere. A sharp biting change like a bitter northern wind. It comes it is like a wave that shall tsunami over all, that shall engulf you and engulf the nations. You cannot prepare for these times ahead, there is no template that you can compare these things to. You were not prepared for this plague neither will you be prepared for what’s coming. Take cover my people, take me upon you to be your shield in such a time as this. I will be a wall of fire around you to protect you. Confide in me, chaos comes my dearly beloved, mass chaos comes such as your world has never known, such as you have never experienced.

Be armed and ready. One blow after another even now, even as you have observed now, but this is just the beginning my beloved. Prepare for civil unrest, prepare for riots and chaos fires and burnings, looting and injury.

An internal war arises upon you to de-stabilize your nation. They know, they smirk and smile secretly, it is a part of the plan. The evil savior comes to hoodwink and charm, to be a consolation in desperate times, to bring his false deception, to introduce his alliance. They have a template of their own, Satan's grand master plan. He is an evil schemer, he comes my people, the stage is set, it will be undeniable for my people they will know and recognize who he is. He comes with fine sounding speeches to deceive the multitudes but you know he was already playing behind the scenes. He will act very grandiose, very arrogant and very self-assured.

Satan knows he has his brief time and he will flaunt it. He has an evil plan that most right now cannot comprehend. He is grafted evil to the core, a black heart has he, who will use people as his henchmen and discard them as quick when their use is done.

He has loyalties to no-one and his wrath rages against my people for he rages against me. His time is short lived my people, for I will come in burning wrath against him and with delivering power for my precious ones. This is the ‘crowning’ age, the conclusion of all things. There will now be wars, there will be evil and chaos, but I will herald in my kingdom with a mighty trumpet blast, the people’s of the earth will run in terror, hiding themselves from me as I return in mighty power and light, I AM the light of the world and he who walks with me will walk in the light of my life. Then the end will conclude.

My wrath is as a fire that burns, I will break open the earth, I will break open the bowels of the earth for the evil that has been done on it, for my burning anger for innocent blood poured into it. This blood cries to me and I will surely avenge. And with it I will bring terror and fear to people in my fierce wrath and anger.

Will you question my righteousness O earth, will you not rather question your evil. I made my laws to protect and preserve a people for myself but you despised me and did the things that provoked my mighty wrath against you, now you will fall, now your cities will fall, now you will quake and as you quake, fear will overtake you. I will bring an unmerciful quaking across your land. I will cause your land to tremble before me, I AM almighty God, I come to visit you, I come, I come and as I do , prepare to tremble, prepare for great fear, for I AM a marvellous and powerful God in the earth, Prepare to tremble.

Habakkuk 3 – from God, when I asked for scripture.

Isaiah 26 end of chapter confirms

Psalm 18

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