Monday, 28 March 2022

Superpower China – Received 19th February 2020

 Superpower China – 19th February 2020

As I prayed this morning this is what I believe the Lord was saying:

China will be the next super power along with Russia and some of it's neighbors. The shadow Government is working with China. The shadow Government will betray its own government, they will bring her down. Their master is Satan himself so they execute his plans. Soon China will have its labor camps across America (I asked only America?) He said no, they will be everywhere. In essence we will become slaves as what happened the Israelites. Then I was hearing the song ‘the grand old Duke of York, he had 10,000 men he marched the up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again. I heard 10,000 x 10,000 will be the Chinese soldiers. I believe we have taken things too far out of the domain of Gods righteousness. We are destroying our future generation with our current laws that defy the very commandments of God.

We have taken the safety barriers away that was there to protect our children, faith in God and His word, so now they are polluting themselves with sin and sin leads to death and destruction. Your own children are doing what was unheard of in the last generation, committing suicide. You removed their safety barrier, you removed their hope and you removed their reward (hope of heaven). God will not allow us to destroy the next generation, so He will judge this one. It will be a sore discipline for the earth because we would otherwise destroy ourselves. The earth itself would self-destruct. Satan seeks our destruction and we have partnered with him to that very fate!  I feel Gods strong presence:

Take shelter in the Lord

he is your refuge

He is your shade when the blast of heat comes

he is your rock of ages

he does not change

he is from everlasting

I change not says the Lord

know this, the world may change but I remain the same

Constant righteous true

Rock of Ages cleft for me

let me hide myself in thee

Let the water and the blood

From thy wounded side which flowed be of sin the double cure

Keep me from wrath and make me pure.

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