Saturday, 23 April 2022


A World Takeover – 21st April 2022

Can you hear the rumbling from a far off land. It comes as a sandstorm. It comes as a blight. It comes as a storm. I see smoke from afar bellowing upwards, I see its tank fire, white smoke, like clouds forming. It’s a huge tank that is rolling over the land, it is taking the land by storm, to crush the people, to crush the nations. It’s the tank of Putin, that is in his mind to crush the nations. That’s the tank of war, its coming. Its what I m seeing. I see the smoke clouds rising before it, the smoke clouds will be seen before the tanks, it rises before it. Destruction weapon.

This is on a scale that has never been seen before. There’s no return, no going back. He is moving forward with his allies, there’s so many of them. They fill the skies. I m in the car by the river and I am watching these puffy clouds in front of me, but its like they are all on the same trajectory they are all moving the same direction. The Lord is showing me this is Putin and his allies, how they will be moving forward, filling the nations (like they are filling the skies right now) with one trajectory, one mission, one focus, with stark determination to capture the nations. They have it planned and schemed, I am feeling this so strong right now. This corrupt leaders, they are out for power for pieces of the map they already have determined what piece is going to be there’s. They have already made their alliances, they have already done it. I m seeing it now, this movement that is moving now, is absolutely going to increase in size, in capacity greatly increase. I see so many allies, not one or two. They are all moving in tandem, a perfect word to describe it, to take the NATIONS!! To take the NATIONS.  They are going to take the nations, there is a multitude of them, I m telling you I m getting this revelation right now, as I m speaking to you. There is multitudes of them. There is so many of these clouds right now, they are representing the allies, the leaders, the nations. Some of them are just powerful leaders who are going to jump on the bandwagon because they are going to be given certain territory. Putin has amassed like a huge vast number of allies to join with him, amassing this army to move forward to take the nations, I’m telling you. This is so serious. This is on a huge scale, this is a mass scale, a mass takeover. This is vastly more than world world 3, this is world war 3 but its like crazy, off the charts, what I m seeing right now. This is a huge scale takeover. Massive. So many nations will be involved in this. IT is so BIG. They are taking over nations, they are taking over the world. They are sweeping over Europe, they are taking nations over Europe. They are taking out the USA, they are taking out all the nations because they are amassing power for themselves. They are already in cahoots, they have been making alliance with Putin behind the scenes. It’s a mass takeover, my goodness, my goodness.

Territories and land boundaries have already been syphered out and new mapping, new distribution of land and territories, like after the second world war.

SOS! SOS! the planes are coming in. The planes are coming in. Can you see the black fighter with the red crosses/markings, beige jets with red crosses on the wings. Can you see the fighter jets coming in, they fill the sky, they fill the skies. Japanese are coming, they are coming for you, merciless. Dropping their bombs in lines across the fields. Bombers they are bombers filling the skies dropping their bombs. SOS they are coming. Can you hear the noise in the distance (it will be very distinct, a shrill type of noise). Some of them are dropping their quiet bombs. This are big bombs the dangerous bombs. They will take out much larger territories. I see the planes and they are dropping the big bomb. It’s a quieter sound. They are coming, they are coming, be not in doubt any more they are coming, they have their satellite radars on you, they are watching you, they know they know they know. They re appointed time is coming. They see you from space, they see you from space, they watch their targets from space. Make no doubt about it, they are watching.  I see their satellites and they have their radar on you. Get ready they are coming, they are coming. Intercontinental ballistic missiles. I m hearing ground bases, I m hearing land bases. Their submarines. Their floating tanks are coming, their ships. So many of them, so many of them are coming. The air front is first, the air front is first to take you by surprise attack. The ships are behind them for landfall, for landfall. I m seeing this in the clouds can you believe it. Now I m seeing these boats (the clouds look like boats).

I feel God’s peace right now. I feel His peace. My peace I give you, not as the world gives you. I give you my peace, I give you my presence, not as the world gives you. Supernatural presence and peace. I AM the lion of the tribe of Judah. Fear not my people. My beloved fear not. I feel the wonderful presence and peace of the Lord. As the bombs come down, I give you my supernatural peace and my presence. Do not fear says the Lord I AM with thee. I call you by my name for I knew you, I knew you in your mother’s womb says the Lord. Be comforted in this says God I knew you even before you were born for I formed you in your mothers womb. I AM that I AM your saviour, your God, your keeper, your shade at your right hand be not moved, be not afraid, do not fear for I AM the great Shepard of my sheep. I am the great Shepard of my sheep fold, I will bring my sheep into the fold, I will gather them in, I will gather them safely in the pen, where they are kept safe and secure says the Lord. I gather my sheep, I gather my sheep at this time and I secure them in the pen, they shall be safe and secure, saith thy God.

There is no power on the earth greater than my power. There is no strength on the earth greater than my strength says your God. I m still feeling God’s peace. This is a world takeover. It is a world wide takeover, but the Lord will have His way, for I create a new heaven and a new earth where no sin dwells says the Lord. For I will contend with all nations, I will contend with this world because of its sin, it damages the earth. It damages my creation, it does injury to my laws yes I will contend with the nations. I will bring them down. I will confront them. I will deal with them says the Lord. Shall they be able to deal with me, The Holy One Of Israel. The Holy One whom they mocked. I will contend with the masses.

These are also hordes of demons running on the earth. I see them as hordes of demons. I see them running. It is a natural and spiritual warfare. These demons have been released. They have power and they are racing across the earth. Its like they have been given permission so they are taking advantage of it very speedily and quickly, because they don’t know any self discipline or order. They are chaotic. They are running because they are taking over. They are pleased to have this permission so to speak, to bring along this chaos. These demons I believe are behind this war, to come and bring destruction on the earth. That’s what I am seeing and sensing.  They are coming to a dead end because they will be confronted by God Himself, they will be smitten by the Lord with the sword of His mouth. The demons could never go against Jesus Christ because of His spiritual authority. He has authority over the natural and spiritual realm. All the armies of the earth are subject to Jesus’s authority, but Jesus is going to stand and contend with these armies that amass against him. He will contend with them before the final closing of this age. This is what the Lord is showing me. That is going to happen. This will be in Israel. Because God is the Holy One of Israel, that is where He established His name. That is where He established Himself so this is where he will contend with the nations, it will be in Israel.




Monday, 28 March 2022

Crimes Against Humanity – Received 5th January 2022.


Crimes Against Humanity5th January 2022.

I got this word in tongues while weeping. I was feeling God’s heartbreak for His people. My people how I grieve, the people I chose for my inheritance, you are my inheritance, you are my seed on the earth yet you are the victims. I sow my seed on the earth, yet you have become the victims. My seed will grow, I will cause my seed to grow in the midst of confusion, in the midst of despair, in the midst of atrocity, in the midst of these villains.

My seed, my seed, my holy ones, I grieve, I grieve for you, yet my seed shall flourish in the midst of confusion in the midst of despair, in the midst of great difficulty. I will cause my seed to rise to flourish to prosper, I will cause my seed to sprout forth and to multiply in this season. Oh how I grieve in the midst of this darkness, in the midst of this despair in the midst of this confusion, how I grieve, how I grieve for my people. You have been cast out you have been removed my people.

I see it I see it all, I see the pain, I see the anguish, I feel your prayers, I see how they cast you out, I see how they push you aside. I see how they torment and how they persecute. I see it all says the Lord, I see it all, I see it all. My seed will not be snuffed out or quenched, it will rise up, it will rise up, it will rise up, my holy ones, my holy seed.  My Holy Ones take refuge in me, my honorable ones, my esteemed ones, take refuge in me. Come to me all you who labor and are heavy burdened and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you for I AM meek and humble I AM meek and humble in heart and you will find rest to your souls.

Don’t be angry with me says the Lord for I am not angry with you says your God. I AM here with my arms outstretched to draw you and pull you onto myself and to carry you in the midst of these trials I AM here, I AM here for you saith the Lord. My heart breaks for you because I want you to turn I want you to turn, to turn towards me, I AM your refuge and strength I AM the one who delivers you, come to me. Lean yourself upon me as John leant on my bosom lean yourself upon me at this time, you shall find rest for your soul, I shall never leave you or forsake you I will guard you and shield you at this time saith your God. (I stop crying here).

Be found in me, be found in me. Be found in me doing the things you did at the first saith the Lord. Don’t be distracted and don’t depart from your faith. Be found in me and do the things you did at the beginning of your faith. Go back to the beginning of your faith says the Lord when you trusted wholeheartedly in me saith the Lord, when you surrendered wholeheartedly when you loved wholeheartedly, go back to your beginning. Go back to the birth of your faith says the Lord. Put aside all distraction, put aside all the things that have accumulated and that distracts and takes you away from my presence says the Lord. There is so much that can take you away from my presence says the Lord. I warn you, I warn you, be very diligent, be very diligent, be very intentional for your life at this time says the Lord. This is no time to play, stop your games, stop your games. Take me seriously, take me seriously, take my hand come follow me, take my hand. Let me lead you, let me guide you, let me guide you through this thicket. Let me guide you through these trials, let me lead you. I AM your refuge and your strength.

Behold a holocaust comes saith the Lord. Behold a holocaust of souls comes says the Lord. I warn you now, get in the ark of safety. I call you in, I call you in, I call you now. I AM your only safe haven, in this season, I will be your only safe haven in this season otherwise you will be in despair and you will be in turmoil, you will be in disbelief and you will be in confusion (crying again).

Come to me saith the Lord, I will guard you and I will guard your life. Come to me. I am the light of Life, I AM the light of the world. Whosoever shall come to me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life. Those who walk in light see clearly, those who walk in my light discern the season. Those who walk in my light, walk in holiness, those who walk in my light walk in my righteousness, those who walk in my light, also walk in the light of my word, and the light my word brings, for I AM the one who guides the steps of the righteous, I AM the truth I AM your truth, I AM the way, I AM the pathway, I gird you, I gird your loins with truth and I guide you, I guide your mind into peace, I guide your mind into peaceful thoughts. I guide your mind into heavenly thoughts. Praise you Lord.

A new day comes, a new day comes for my people. I turn over a new page x2. A new day is dawning for my people there will be many left behind, but a new day comes for those who love me. A new dawning comes to those who love me.  A new armor is coming for you. A new battalion of my soldiers will rise up in the earth. THEY WILL BE HEARD (STRONG SHOUT) THEY WILL BE SEEN AND THEY BE HEARD, A NEW BATTALION OF MY KINGDOM WARRIORS SHALL RISE UP. YOU SHALL BE HEARD AND YOU SHALL BE SEEN. YOU SHALL HAVE A NEW ARMOUR. STRONG ARMOUR. THESE WILL BE MY APPOINTED ONES, THESE WILL BE MY WARRIORS WHO RISE UP IN THE EARTH, but many will be fallen, many will be injured at this time, my children, many will fall and be injured by the enemy, many will be injured.  Rescue them, rescue the injured ones, rescue them, cover them, love them, love them.

A new unity rises up in the earth, my true ones will begin to cleave to one another, my true ones will begin to come together, my true ones will love one another for this is my commandment towards you. I command you to love one another. Those who separate in my church, those who divide in my church, those who compete in my church, shall fall away. Those who bring together, those who harmonize, those who cause to love one another, these will be the strong ones in my church, for I will make a separation right now. I make a separation between the chaff and the wheat, those ones who are weak in their faith are in danger of falling away so strengthen yourselves, strengthen the arms of your brethren that they will not fall away in this season x2 strengthen them and I will reward you, strengthen them. I will bless you, strengthen them I will love on you, strengthen them in this season not to fall away.

This is a battlefield, watch how my warriors are arising. Watch how my warriors are rising up, my warriors, I am getting them ready, I am getting them ready and I am giving them weapons. I am putting new weapons in their hands. I am putting new and unusual weapons in their hands says the Lord they will be equipped for this season, they will equipped for this unparalleled season that you have entered into. I will equip my people for the times that they are heading into. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Let not your faith fail take up the weapons of your warfare and fight, take up the shield of faith against the enemy, against the arrows of the enemy that come against you. Take up your shield of faith, your shield covers you from the top of your head to the soul of your feet, take that shield up and hold it out against the arrows of your enemy. My child he cannot defeat you if I AM with you, my child he cannot defeat you if I AM with you. PRAY, PRAY, pray, pray for souls, this is a battle for souls, pray, pray it’s a battle for souls.

Monsoon a monsoon comes. A monsoon comes, I don’t know what that is. I am seeing heavy heavy rains, I see floods beginning. These monsoons and rains and floods are coming. I know that some of these disasters are being used to hamper the NWO. I m sensing the Lord is out-smartening the NWO again and this time with monsoons and floods they are coming. I see the rains pouring pouring and floods rising up and pouring. I hear Taliban, the Taliban are rising, I m hearing Taleban. I m just speaking what I am hearing right now even if it does not make sense.

Spike protein. Praise you Lord. I feel the Lord saying I AM going to diminish it. I will remove the spike from the spike protein is how I see it. I feel, what I m sensing now is, these globalists laughing they mock the Lord, they laugh at the world and laugh at their achievements, but I feel the Lord is about to take the smile of their faces. The Lord says don’t have a victim mentality, x 2 rise up set your face as flint, rise up against the enemy, you have the power, your power is ordained of me saith the Lord, rise up and be strong, set your face as flint against the work of the evil one. I never called you to back down, I never called you to submit.

I never called you to TAKE A BACK SEAT, saith the Lord, but many of you have taken a back seat. Many of you have submitted, many of you have sat down and relinquished your power and authority in me. The Lord says stand up, rise up this is not a time to sit down, this is the time to set yourself as flint against the evil one and use the weapons of your warfare. You were always called to a battlefield says the Lord, perhaps you did not become aware of it till now but I am telling you now, this is a battlefield. When you became a Christian you came to a battlefield, rise up rise up, stop sitting down that is not your position, stop relinquishing your power and authority, that is not your position, take up the weapons of your warfare and fight says the Lord, take up your weapons of your warfare and fight, for if you do not fight the enemy shall defeat you, if you do not fight the enemy will wound, you if you do not fight the enemy will attack you, stand up and fight for yourself and fight for your family and fight for your neighbours and fight for your community and fight for your nation.

Stand up and fight you shall see a victory you will victories coming saith the Lord, don’t be alarmed at events that are happening around you this is my end time, this is the season of my end time harvest, I prepare the season for my end time harvest stand up and fight. Victory is yours, victory is found only in Me, says the Lord.

A crime against humanity this shall be called. Fall guy Fauci fall guy. Oh yes, Crimea, was bad, but this one is a greater crime. Yes, Vietnam was a crime but this one is so much worse, Crimea and Vietnam were crimes, but who has seen a crime like this one, a crime against humanity, a crime against the innocent ones, against children, don’t you know my enemy always targets the innocent ones, if you had been aware, you would have fought him, if you were aware you would fight him, He always goes for the seed, for the innocent, know this about my adversary.

There will be weeping, there will be weeping throughout the earth, there will be weeping. When the true realization of what has happened has happened, when just people were taken down, when innocent people were taken down, when righteous people were taken down, in the midst of a holocaust. There will be weeping. Close the gates against the evil one close your gates against the evil one. He clothes himself in mystery, he shrouds himself so that he cannot be seen, but you know he is there, you know he exists, don’t be ignorant of his devices, his devices against humanity, be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. An evil tyrant is he x2, making evil plans in dark places in the earth, in the dungeons in the earth, he has secret targets, he has aliens that do his bidding, he has recipes that he uses. He targets humanity. Humanity is his target for all his knivings and his plans. He works in secret dungeons in hell and introduces his works on the earth. He forfeits. He does fraudulent things, he forges notes, he money launders, he steals money out of the system, he utilizes money for evil purposes, he is always trying to devalue money, and derail it, that which God has given for transactions, he tries to steal it, forfeit it and misuse it and direct it towards evil projects.

I just want to worship God because since I got up, I just felt His presence and the joy and hope rising up in me because it is hard to have it rise up in this season. It is quite heavy oppressive, so its so good to feel His presence, his hope, his energy, his spirit rising up in me and to feel somewhat joyful about the Lord so I just want to praise the Lord for that. He really gives us life, he really does especially at this time. Praise God for His word. Scriptures ref: Isaiah 43 and 44.

War of The World’s Takeover - Recieved 6th November 2021.


War of The World’s Takeover - 6th November 2021. 

Firstly tonight I kept hearing Fauci and Rand Paul. I prayed that Rand Paul would have all the evidence to condemn Fauci. This will be God’s judgement against him and the elite will be shook by it. He will be ousted by Satan because Satan has no loyalty to anyone.

I see Putin, I see his eyes like orange (an eagle) he is very focused, very determined, very strategic. I hear the Lord say he is commander and chief and he is going to take down America. He has got his focused strategies and plans in place and I hear the word pigeon which is like his messaging code. He is setting up the airports strategically for communication hubs. I hear military intelligence that is happening as well so he is using terminals airport terminals as his hubs for his plans. I saw a large American city airport with a huge hanger that he was using as a hub. It was a very large dome structure, it was white, it looked like it was made of cement, not sure. I also heard Charles De Gaulle which is an airport in France which I think maybe he going to use. This is prophetic but I am seeing it in the spirit what is happening. I see the terminals, airport terminals in America dimming like it is going through dusk so I sense it is probably shutting down, this particular airport terminal, so that is what I am sensing. I was also seeing helicopters hidden and a small plane back in the bushes of this terminal. Yes Putin is very determined, and is using precision, he is giving precise directions and you better not mess with him. You cannot mess with this man like he will have your head taken off if you mess with him, everything is by precision. His plans are strategic he is not one to be messed with right now, he is VERY SERIOUS, real serious about these plans and God is allowing it, God is allowing this takeover.

I am hearing War of the Worlds takeover. dimming, dimming, its like the world is dimming down. It’s a takeover I am hearing Rothchild (x2) I am hearing labor camps I also heard Putin saying tow the line, and I was seeing the shipping lanes have changed, he has changed the shipping lanes.

I am seeing Putin again, serious, determined. I see him as a hunter, I just feel the Lord is emphasizing his skill as a hunter maybe it’s the way he sees things or something, then I am getting the word peel back, like peeling back like some kind of exposure that Putin does or something. Chain of command, I am hearing the words chain of command. Strategic very strategic. A man of precision, Putin is exceedingly precise and is exceedingly efficient. He is not a man to be tampered with, everyone working under him robotically works under him its like that s how he manages people. He has a chain of command. I get the word idealist, he has strong ideals so I m sensing right now from the Lord, he has got strong ingrained ideals that this man does not move away from. He is not a man that can be easily swayed, he is not malleable man, he is very staunch man. Strategic and military commander. Weaponised ships but he knows about communication, he knows how strategic communication is. I know that he has a plan to take down the American communication system that is the first thing he is going to do, so the Lord is showing me that’s what he is going to do, he is going to take out the communications systems first, he knows how important that is and he is setting up his own communications within the airport terminals that is going to connect through different countries so he has his strategy for that a takeover strategy for that. He knows where he is going to put his communication bases!!! (this is vitally important, God is highlighting this to me as I am typing this message out ****) and hubs.

I am hearing the words generals right now and these are fearful guys, I am sensing. These generals of his are fearful guys I am seeing two men. I think they are two of his military leaders, I just see them.  These are obviously ones he is going to use to execute his plans. I hear the word stealth and the word tight reign so he holds a very tight reign with these people.

Putin will take out an oil rig as a distraction strategy (I believe American oil rig). I hear ground zero, I hear pulmonary (heart). He will take out New York, the heart of the Nation. Danger, danger, danger, get out!!! (explain my New York recording, also reference my New York video).

Fall of Babylon – Received 25th October 2021.


Fall of Babylon – 25th October 2021. 

Words from God in prayer. He disguises himself as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He uses Christian language, he seeks to devour sheep, he is crafty and strategic, he infiltrates. (Aidan and Karen, confirmed by Guy).

Aluminium used for shutting you down, prevailing substance. Robot, irrigated land, demise. Soil infiltration – aluminium. Crops fail. Baited Virginia (USA). Gated properties (taking their guns) On the run. I see people on the run. Ruthless, being hounded. End of civil liberties, in pretence of overcoming Covid. Civil unrest, cities shaking, I see them and feel them shaking. Riots, unruly. Cloak and dagger (types of betrayal, getting close to you then sticking the knife in) Libel cases/over ruled/state governance.

The black night (video reference). It comes. (I believe that is in reference to war) Infiltration, overpowered. Live by the sword, die by the sword (warning).  BETRAYED!!! America, it will become apparent to everyone (even unbelievers) Et tu Brute the scene from MacBeth when he is betrayed by his close friend, who sticks the knife in. Judas Comes. You have been betrayed America.

Upheaval, mass upheaval, no way out. America redundant. Energy crisis, Oil crisis, fuel allowance. Flee the country. They are crippling her!!! (alarm, alarm) taking her down. Get out while you can. Discharge of troops, riot police (fierce and tough with special forces) Get out while you can, trouble is coming, it is in the air, can you feel it?

Launch an attack – missiles ( I hear and see the missiles) I see it taking off (bright orange yellow from a contraption on the ground, being shot off at super speed into the air. It is a blue sky, early crisp morning, a beautiful fresh morning for such a thing. It’s the Russians. I sense it strongly. It is called project blue….something. I just hear blue.  It is a Crime. (Crimea look into it!!feel God highlight). God’s play on words. Take a sample, I hear, Bay region like in San Francisco I see. Rocket launchers – launch. He has no fear, Putin. He is determined, standing in his refined suit (I see him). His mind is set. He has already won (the USA is sold out). Testing the waters. Take a sample. (was Hawaii a pysop, it comes to mind?)

Be strong you shall do great exploits for me, in the midst of chaos, trouble and darkness. Forge away, I give you strength, a strong brow/forehead to forge a way though the chaos. I made your brow like flint to plow forward into the difficulty. Move forward, forge ahead of the trouble. I made you this way for this purpose. (almost foolish in fearlessness) – also message for Guy. Our world is in for a shock!!! The antichrist beast system and new world order, churches are not prepared.

Fauci is Ouchi. He is OUT. Fall guy, he is one of the first, Satan has no loyalty to those he uses. Here is your hard lesson those who serve power and money. Capitol hill – drafts/criminal excuses, using gestapo type of force. I see the elite crowning themselves. Giving themselves glory but with literal crowns. You can be sure the Lord will take them out quickly!! REMEMBER AMERICA FALLS FIRST! MYSTERY BABYLON. Psalm 83 reference – the war. (video made).

It is not the time to play – Received 11th June 2021


It is not the time to play11th June 2021

I feel his strong sense of peace. The line is drawn. Rules of engagement. They have their rules of engagement cause there is war coming. Their set rules of engagement. It is coming. The air will be filled with a stenching smoke, a stenching smog, that will be filled with grit and charcoal that will be burning. 

There will be black dense fog that’s what I see, catastrophe. Millions, millions, ruthless, arial targets. I see patches of fields, I see them, very tidy fields, aerial targets.

 I sense it is inland in the USA (Oklahoma?). Their bunkers where they hide out, they have their bunkers where they hide out. Levy, levies, they know the levies, they know the levy system, they know it. Ruthless, Chinese soldiers hiding, hiding in that territory, I see the helmets. Stealth, take your positions, stealth, they got their guns, watching, watching. It is not the time to play, no way, it is not the time to play, NO WAY. They are in, they are in. They are not playing, they ain’t playing. Your demise, your demise why where you not watching? Why where you not watching America? Slow down, slow down, or they will see you, capitalize on your movements. I see these soldiers hiding out, in marshes in the new Orleans area, in the basins, they are watching and they have guns that’s what I am sensing. Artillery, loaded, fast track. These are the words I am hearing, swampy, swampy. Movement is slow, slow, slow movement. I hear them blaspheming the name of the Lord (Jesus Christ) stellar, underground, tracking, new force, creeping. It feels like they are there right now to me, I hear them, I sense them, rushes. So that’s what the Lord was showing me Chinese soldiers moving in the basins with slow movement.

God bless you all.

Press in to know me – Received 11th June 2021

Press in to know me – 11th June 2021

Press them, is what the Lord is saying to me. He wants me to press upon you to turn in repentance to Him. God is pressing upon you to turn to Him. Time is running out. I hear the word clarion call, (a strongly requested demand for action). The Holy Spirit is telling me there is a clarion call. I feel He is saying trained soldiers and I feel He is saying there is a call to war. Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus. I just feel God’s presence His still peaceful presence, thank you Lord. Bless the viewers with your peace and presence.

The nations, I call the nations to come to me, I call the nations to come to me, rise up rise up with strength to the battle says the Lord (repeated). It is not the time to waver, it is not the time to slow down. This is the clarion call. I come, I come like a lion, I come to roar like a lion for the wickedness of the nations, I come, I come, I come says the Lord. I will rule. I will rule with my rod of Iron, with my iron sceptre, I will come I will rule. I will rule and reign, I will hit the earth. I will hit the earth till it rumbles for its cruelty cries out to me, its cruelty it cries out to me.

 I will no longer forebear the burden of your blasphemy, your lies, your so called spiritual encounters. They blaspheme my name every day, every day. Close encounters of the third kind it is coming. Ships, spaceships, targets, I hear the word targets. Supernatural force, I hear this word. Blow winds, blow, for I bring a recourse, I bring a reset, says the Lord, I bring a reset. For is this not wisdom but to know me, says the Lord, is this not wisdom but to know me says the Lord, says your God, says your King. Is this not true wisdom to know me, your  creator your King, says the Lord. They lay you bare, they lay you bare, they lay you naked, they lay you in ruin, is this not wisdom to know me says the Lord. But you disregard me, but you blaspheme me but you walk with the wicked, how you fail me, says the Lord. Who has a heart to know me? Who has a heart to seek after me? Who has a heart to yearn after me says the Lord? I will bless you if you turn, I will bless you if you turn, but you will be cut off with the wicked If you remain with the wicked. I shoulder the burden, but I will cast you off. I will shoulder the burden now but I will cast you off. Press in to know me, choose this day who you will serve. Halleluiah, thank you Lord.

The long night is coming and who will stand, do you think you can stand alone in the long night that is coming? You do not know what is before you. Press in, press in my children, press into me, for I gather my sheaves, press into me for I gather, I gather my sheaves saith the Lord. Press into me, press in to know me, press in to know me, I will sup with you and you will sup with me saith the Lord. Press in. Press in to understand the God that I AM, gracious, merciful, kind, loving, forgiving all your failings, giving you a recourse, giving you a reset, giving you a second chance. I offer this to you, press in, press, in, press into me.

It is wisdom to know my name, it is wisdom to love me, it is wisdom to understand my tender lovingkindness, my mercies towards you, for you are my son the one I love, the one I cherish, you are my children. I honor those who honor me. Press in, press in before the time goes, before the tears flow, before the tears flow my children, before the tears flow.

Besieged – Received 6th June 2021


Besieged – 6th June 2021 (first part, recorded live while under the anointing by my friend)

A lot of activity. He will have a remnant in the earth. Dark night is coming the Lord says. I see a lot of movement in The Ocean. A lot of ships, a lot of ships. Hybrid, hybrid, winds of change, winds of change, they have come, they have come like a whirlwind. Telepathic, telepathic messages, shoreline, they are at the shorelines, they gather at the Shoreline.??? They align, they align themselves. Ships and tanks from the east, interstellar, radar, basin, port, port of call. 

They are as dogs, they are dogs, I hear them saying, military, precision weapons, ready, lined up. They target the cities, large cities, very congested cities. Secret targets that no one suspects. Singapore. Other secret planned targets, shelters and movements. Hold the bases, hold the base, large underground tunnel, large square tunnel, military movement, a lot of activity, foreign troops there. Make ready the long dark Night, insurrection, Fidel Castro regime. I sense a power shift, nuclear, sudden, sudden! Aircraft carriers, Russian, Russian, Russian helicopter drones, suddenly the drones drop they are nuclear bombs. City, another city, Vegas, East Coast, cities are targets, Boston, Philadelphia, Georgia, they are trading Secrets right now, they are trading off, tyrants doing the trade-offs with Putin. Selling our nation out. Crafty snakes says the Lord, selling the nation out to Putin??, finance... Putin is a shrewd traitor, he is ruthless, he will topple the nation. San Francisco, Cincinnati, other targets around the much.

Same word recorded what I remembered on my phone:

While we were praying tonight 2th June 2021, There was so many words but I just want to remember some of the cities that I felt was going to be targeted by the enemy. One of which was Seattle. San Francisco, Los Vegas, the basins, so I believe that was New Orleans. He was going to have bases around the place. He was  going to have a very large ship with power weapons in it, nuclear weapons  this is Putin. They are going to attack Singapore. I felt Singapore is one of their secret targets, he has a few secret targets, the Lord was revealing this to me. One of which was Singapore. Drones I saw helicopter drones, these very large helicopter drones (they looked like helicopters) that Putin will use. 

I saw Putin’s armory, I did not see much Chinese armory but a lot of Putin’s. They are going to come around the coastlines, all around the shorelines is where they are going to besiege, and I heard the word besiege because it is besiege and its going to be sudden. Three times I got the word suddenly it is going to come. Warheads and aircraft carriers. I saw Putin had large aircraft carriers of some kind. I saw a lot of ships. I saw a lot of activity on the oceans, a lot, a lot of activity on the waters of ships and artillery and lots of stuff going on, really a lot of stuff going on like, a lot on the oceans. A lot of warfare, a lot of activity. What else did I see, I heard the word interstellar and I got the word radar systems, and I had the word Vida del Castro and his regime and I got the word inglorious (bastards) it is a film and Guy explained how it is about Russia infiltrating this other country and they mistrusted one another, but the engagement between the two countries is happening in the US already. There s a mistrust as well. I think the Lord was just highlighting that. The anointing was powerful tonight. It came in waves over me, it was very powerful.  

God also spoke to me about the church, the true believers who are faithful to him how that he is going to give them a supernatural peace like what you get in the eye of a storm. Its going to be very supernatural, it will be very unique and very different, it has not happened before. It is going to come over his people and he is going to provide a shelter and protection, He is going to be their shadow and their protection during this time. During this time, there is a lot of turmoil in the earth where peace has been removed from the earth and literally peace is going to be removed when Putin and all these gangsters come into power. Oh yes trade off’s and trade deals going on in America to Putin.  

I saw them doing trading deals with Putin and China, they are selling off the United States, that is what they are doing. These evil people, these evil tyrants are selling out the United States for profit, that is what they are doing. What else, oh yea the AI, I heard hybrids, and I heard telepathic so I think these soldiers are already hybrids and they are going to hear telepathically from the AI so that’s what’s going to happen there. They are going to be super intelligent soldiers so that we are not going to be able to rise above them, we are not going to be able to outsmart them, its not going to be possible they are super soldiers so they are in the mix, I would say they are probably Chinese as well.

 I think the Chinese are the advancement with the technology and Russia is more the power base, directing things. I said San Francisco is a target and Los Vegas because I saw Los Vegas laid out, it is a very flat land and there is mountains around it and it is set in a very particular kind of grid very stringent kind of grid, very flat with mountains surrounding it, that is what I saw. Then I saw Seattle, I saw its skyline, it has a very distinct skyline with markers, very distinct markers on the skyline like flagpoles or there is that tower with that ball thing on top so it was just that the skyline was very distinct that’s why I reckon it was Seattle that was being targeted but I felt they are going to target the east coast anyway and they are going to target the very congested cities, like New York would be one of them, San Francisco, so very congested areas, cities there are the ones they will attack and I saw that Putin is going to be very brutal, he will be very brutal you know, he is not nice, he is not at all nice. Yea military precision  weapons they have as well so they are going to be very precise, I said basins and I said base. Yes so very powerful anointing tonight, like waves coming over me. Yes very powerful, so praise God amen.

As I am rewriting this just now (28 June 2021) I sense God showing me fire, I see fire, there is going to be fire all about. Its something I did not see before. Charcoal plains will be left, fires and ruins of buildings. Sodom and Gomorrah burned and so will these cities burn.  I told Lot to run to the mountains to escape for the plains were destroyed, I will do the same again, so escape to the mountains lest you be destroyed with the wicked.  Get away from Sodom and Gomorrah the cities in the plains they will be burned up like straw and left desolate. Escape while you can.

Also there is a lot of underground activity and I saw large square underground tunnel, they will be coming up from underground. The soldiers and their weaponry coming up from underground.

The Eagle Has Landed – Received 15th May 2021.


The Eagle Has Landed – 15th May 2021. 

Strategy, wheeling and dealing. Pomp & Arrogance, measures, they are wolves. The eagle has landed. I see the yellow beak of an eagle. Pass the baton. (UK?) Treachery, evil plans. Be guarded/full defense. Build a fortress from their delusions, evil plots and plans to rule you. They outwit you. (AI)

Behold I AM the lamb of God, happy are those who sup with me. I cherish you. Do not be deceived. Have a big nose to smell out their schemes, their covert plans. Have a pigs snout to dig through their filthy plans.

I find you faithful. You hold a banner of faithfulness. I see those of you who hold a flag for me, a flag of honor for me. I see it, my reward comes to you my servant. You raise a banner for me and I honour and esteem you. You who are scolded and rebuffed, you gain a higher reward. There are those who have suffered in times past. This is not new, you share in their suffering.

Militant powers arising. New wave of their control. Shut yourselves away from them/guard yourself, build a fortress. Don’t confront them. Suffer little children to come onto me.

Difficult days come, trials. You will suffer to come to him. A new day dawns. There will be a flourishing in my kingdom. I will be her mentor. I will mentor the church. I will be the bridge between heaven and earth. I AM the bridge. I see a footbridge stretched out. I clothe you in white. None shall be ashamed. Highway of holiness, lift yourselves up onto the highway of holiness. Gird yourselves, be covered, your nakedness be covered, put eye salve on your eyes. I come quickly. I reward according to how they served me. I come, gird yourselves, your loins, fasten truth around you as a belt to support you (x 3) to support your spirit. Harness yourself to me (x 3) I will carry. (like a parachute) I am your buckler and shield to you . They may have their genius plans but I AM a genius. I go before you. I make your ways plain, cleave onto me.

Mass Exodus - Received 4th June 2020


Mass Exodus - 4th June 2020 

A holocaust comes. .Exodus, a large movement of people, to exit and travel from one place to another. Safe haven, a place of safety and security. A true city of angel’s and angelic visitation, I see a mass exodus of people like a swarm of bees moving en masse along a large mass of land. This nation is crippled, and people want to get out. This is bigger than one caravan of people. This is a mass exodus. They are getting out. (Exodus out of Egypt with the leader Moses leading the Israelites came to mind while I got this). This is like the Exodus of Egypt people leaving with only what they can carry. Danger is upon them, licence to kill, fear, mistrust and no safety. This is the only option. I see vast movements of people. The earth is being tipped upside down (Isaiah 24:1 as above) and people are moving en masse. These people do not look like refugees they looked organized they did not look poor.

The visual about the people being tipped upside down reminded me of a sand glass which contained fluid and when you tipped it upside down the sand formed completed different in different coloured layers. These people were going to alter nations which huge shifts. I saw it as a band that stretched from the East and stretched right across Europe.

Much turmoil comes, much unrest comes, much movement comes, nothing has been seen like this before, it is another new normal. This is next mass migration. Many leaving with just the clothes on their back or not much more than it anyway is what I saw. That is what I received from the Lord, the insight I received. I saw it in the Spirit.

USA Sold Out – Received 30th April 2020


USA Sold  Out30th April 2020

Slipways, marshes, Louisianan. I see their helmets, they are creeping undercover of darkness, grey ships. Turmoil, riot police, plundering and looting, fires, squalls, Obama behind the scenes. Insurrection, stirred up, appointment, new solutions, treachery, Marshall law put into effect, change, regime change by craftiness. The masses have been stored up. Pitched against one another, part of the plan, divide and conquer, new ruling, legislator, new territory, new powers of attorney, draft put in place, new measures, new measures for control, it is essential I hear them say (the new power) A divisive plan and a plan to divide.

Plotting and scheming. No control/out of control. New agenda, new commission, out of the game, controlled democracy, who ever heard of it?

Self employment doom! Takeover, crafty snakes in the grass, he cannot be trusted, he is a snake and a schemer, do not believe his charming speeches, he is a liar, he speaks from the father of lies (I saw Obama)

Tumble, topple, down your beloved goes, broken with none to fix her, taken by the dragon, she is broken with none who can mend her, she crumbles from within, what a masquerade, what an evil victory.

I will hit her a blow from within O once beautiful land, now filled with demons to secure her demise. I will punish you for turning your back on me, you crooked serpent. I will strike her with a sever blow, you will know it is by my hand, a crushing blow shall my hand thunder down upon her

Unmistakable judgement in my fury and anger at her corruption. I will vent my fury at you America, once the land of the great, for you have fallen to the depths. You have become despicable and sold out to the works of darkness. No more, no more, you shall fall to the dust, I will make dust of you. Your once beautiful kingdom falls.

Puzzle pieces, at play, signs in the heavens, frequency, goals, checkmate and she falls, tumble, climb, climax, bungle safety. Riot police, military might, tectonic plates, shift, low breaking anarchy, something on foreign land.

The wicked will be hidden no more – Received 14th April 2020


The wicked will be hidden no more – 14th April 2020

Its all in the plan. A two fold plan, initiative by the giants on the earth. A cleverly devised plan that is not to fail. An imposing mechanized plan by the elite. All will be revealed. Shrewd investors steer it along in their steering committee. They have a formula of course. A man made formula so they think, the construction of which has been mastered by the divine one of power called the prince of darkness. Oh yes a prototype they call it, the high esteem of man loves to boast about their many inventions but I have a toolbox too and that they know nothing about. Their witty inventions shall sink to the dust. I find them out, I know by what means they work. They work to outlaw me but I shall outlaw them when they feel the force of my hand upon them. They think they are God, they think they can play God they think they can play with my creation, they think they can mess with my master plan, well I will show them what I have up my sleeve, for my fury burns against them that they should tackle me? That they should make attempt to tackle me! Am I like them.. I tell you not, they are well outmatched. Now I will send the fire of my judgement upon them for co-ursing with the devil the evil one. A swift strike from my hand to bring them down from their high place where they will not rise again. How I created man for myself, but they scheme their secret schemes against me, I will rebuke them openly so everyone can see what I do to those who plot and scheme trouble against me and act as though they are gods themselves. My rule will never end, but the schemes of men will be diminished.

I Am a jealous God, I will have no gods before me. I am an avenger in the earth. See California it comes up before me see its neighboring city Nevada, its crimes come up before me.

Marshall law will be enacted it is coming. The entertainment industry is a stench and polluted with crime and perversity. Where is my holy temple? Mammon rules, it shall be torn down to the dust. A swift strike of my hand brings her down to the dust.

Anyone who makes and believes a lie, I will not tolerate. They will not escape my wrath. Keep yourselves pure, righteous, holy and true.

Unveil unveil unveil the wicked of the earth, they shall be hidden no more, those who lived deliciously will do so no more, cover your heads in shame, you deceitful liars. Cover your heads in dust for the fate that awaits you, for it waits no more. Crying and shame for your perversions and wickedness. You imprisoned and took advantage of many, you moguls but no more, I pay you back double for your sins, you anger me with your abuse of my people who I created to serve me. You served yourself deliciously, you treated yourself so well, so now you will be repaid deliciously too and your enemies will be shocked at your sudden doom, for you are my enemy, I will bring you down to hell in a moment, in a flash of my fury. This is how my enemies get paid, you who would suffer no loss, you who would suffer no lack of profit in your racketeering, I will now take what is owed to me, you did not expect to repay me, but you will pay with your life and with eternal destiny, you who kick so venomously against a God who loves you and who sent His beloved son for you, Oh how you despised me for so long, now your destiny is sure, it is finished for you.

Repent O sinners of the earth repent, it is a late hour O peoples of the earth, do not be caught do not be persuaded by the wicked ruler of the earth, turn your hearts back to God, back to my mercy, my love and compassion. Turn back my beloved people for I am a true father to you, I will pick you up and shield you in my tender and loving arms,

Look to me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you, Your Abba father with tender love and deep compassion.

Take Cover My People – Received 3rd April 2020


Take Cover My People 3rd April 2020

Behold a holocaust comes, it comes. My raging fire against humanity and it’s sins. A raging fire from my own hand. The winds of change are here, do you feel it in the atmosphere. A sharp biting change like a bitter northern wind. It comes it is like a wave that shall tsunami over all, that shall engulf you and engulf the nations. You cannot prepare for these times ahead, there is no template that you can compare these things to. You were not prepared for this plague neither will you be prepared for what’s coming. Take cover my people, take me upon you to be your shield in such a time as this. I will be a wall of fire around you to protect you. Confide in me, chaos comes my dearly beloved, mass chaos comes such as your world has never known, such as you have never experienced.

Be armed and ready. One blow after another even now, even as you have observed now, but this is just the beginning my beloved. Prepare for civil unrest, prepare for riots and chaos fires and burnings, looting and injury.

An internal war arises upon you to de-stabilize your nation. They know, they smirk and smile secretly, it is a part of the plan. The evil savior comes to hoodwink and charm, to be a consolation in desperate times, to bring his false deception, to introduce his alliance. They have a template of their own, Satan's grand master plan. He is an evil schemer, he comes my people, the stage is set, it will be undeniable for my people they will know and recognize who he is. He comes with fine sounding speeches to deceive the multitudes but you know he was already playing behind the scenes. He will act very grandiose, very arrogant and very self-assured.

Satan knows he has his brief time and he will flaunt it. He has an evil plan that most right now cannot comprehend. He is grafted evil to the core, a black heart has he, who will use people as his henchmen and discard them as quick when their use is done.

He has loyalties to no-one and his wrath rages against my people for he rages against me. His time is short lived my people, for I will come in burning wrath against him and with delivering power for my precious ones. This is the ‘crowning’ age, the conclusion of all things. There will now be wars, there will be evil and chaos, but I will herald in my kingdom with a mighty trumpet blast, the people’s of the earth will run in terror, hiding themselves from me as I return in mighty power and light, I AM the light of the world and he who walks with me will walk in the light of my life. Then the end will conclude.

My wrath is as a fire that burns, I will break open the earth, I will break open the bowels of the earth for the evil that has been done on it, for my burning anger for innocent blood poured into it. This blood cries to me and I will surely avenge. And with it I will bring terror and fear to people in my fierce wrath and anger.

Will you question my righteousness O earth, will you not rather question your evil. I made my laws to protect and preserve a people for myself but you despised me and did the things that provoked my mighty wrath against you, now you will fall, now your cities will fall, now you will quake and as you quake, fear will overtake you. I will bring an unmerciful quaking across your land. I will cause your land to tremble before me, I AM almighty God, I come to visit you, I come, I come and as I do , prepare to tremble, prepare for great fear, for I AM a marvellous and powerful God in the earth, Prepare to tremble.

Habakkuk 3 – from God, when I asked for scripture.

Isaiah 26 end of chapter confirms

Psalm 18

Shot Across the Bow – Received 21 March 2020


Shot Across the Bow – 21 March 2020

I heard ‘shot across the bow’ today. I believe this means stop now and change, a warning or something will go down. A warning from God. Military coup, Dow Jones, futures, Industrial Index, fall guy, landslide.

Are they kicking from both sides? Kicking the stock market and kicking with this biological weapon (covid)? Are they kicking both sides? God gave me the word futures, I did not realise it related to the markets, I felt I heard ‘military coup’. I was surprised to hear that, I thought it was just conspiracy. 

 I heard rod of discipline. This is God’s rod, he is allowing this, we have ignored God. We want everything but God. I did not realise how bad our consumerism had become until it stopped. We did not realise how other countries were being over polluted by it until it stopped. Dolphins and fish are back in Venice and the skies returned blue in China.

I do not think the world is ever going to be the same again. I do not think we are going to enjoy the same level of prosperity again. This is only God’s first strike. I believe its His warning strike. I believe more is to come. God is going to get our attention whether we like it or not. This strike may cause people to consider what is happening, but I do not believe it will bring repentance. God will strike her each time with severer measures. We can expect this. God does not desire that a whole generation goes to hell, that is why He brings His disciplining rod. He is looking for repentance. This will be the only way of escape from these judgements. The labor pains increase not decrease. Prepare to be uncomfortable, prepare for more calamities. God will strike with calamities. Satan has his plans but so does God. Evil men who plan and scheme against the Lord will be judged. Anyone who side's with the enemy will be in deep trouble.

Trump has incited a hate campaign. This will not fare well for Trump. Judgement is not in the hands of men, it is in the hands of God only.  Only God Himself measures out righteous judgment, He has caused a divide (Trump) in his own country. This will not fare well with him. He has caused further plotting, isolation and division. This is much more serious than winning elections, this is the devastation and crippling of a whole nation. The fruits of this are yet to be out worked in a country already flaying under the weight of the coronavirus. You have made yourself a vulnerable target, Trump and your stirrings are the very stirrings that will rise against you. You build your tower on many boastful bragging words, they will topple in one puff. Boastful bragging and lies will never pass the test of time. One puff of wind and they are all gone.

No one is ready for the mighty blow of my hand. You (USA) are not ready for what is to yet come, I will admonish you, my rage burns at you, for your lack of repentance, your hard heartedness towards me, your willful and brazen neck to defy me and stand against me, the Holy One. You enraged me by your sin and godlessness. Your stubborn head that says “ I can do all things by myself, by my own power”

Well no you cannot, you do not entrust yourself to me and so now you will be crippled at the blow of my hand, upon your stubborn pride, for I Am enraged against you. I called out for you to listen to me, I sent you my prophets, I sent you my messages, time and time again but you have a stubborn neck and believe the power is your own. Well you shall shortly see that the power was always in my hands. America the great, how you have fallen, so mighty and great therefore, is your fall. You shall tumble down and not rise again, for great is the mighty one of Israel who judges you. All the nations shall see this and bewail you, but know this, it is by my mighty hand of power that I judge you, Oh stubborn queen who stands in the midst of many seas. ( I sensed the rage and anger of the Lord as I wrote this).

Shift of Power - Received 16th March 2020


Shift of Power -16th March 2020

I saw Putin’s palace ornate ceiling. I heard the word pontiff, then I heard executive order. I saw a horseman riding a horse with great speed as if to deliver a message an important urgent message.

Then I saw church buildings and I saw a huge muddy river, I felt God’s displeasure at the church. It was polluted, then I heard the word toxic, it was not just polluted but the church had become toxic (future church??)

I sensed a shift, a colossal shift, like a huge army of people was on the move, but not sure if that was it. I felt it included a shift of power, a huge shift of some kind.

Is Putin and the Pontiff making some arrangement or agreement, that was the sense. Some sort of coming together, control maybe, alliance maybe.

Something is happening, something is shifting. Is it a new partnership? A new deal for the future? Our world is changing, I believe, there will be large shifts of power. Church wake Up!! It is not the time to sleep. Something is going to happen to the church. It will be contaminated but more than that it will become toxic.

We must be clean vessels for the Lord. Something big is on the horizon, mass change! Global stage, something is about to go down..

Is it another horseman? What is the urgent message he carries?

Something is on the wind....

Superpower China – Received 19th February 2020

 Superpower China – 19th February 2020

As I prayed this morning this is what I believe the Lord was saying:

China will be the next super power along with Russia and some of it's neighbors. The shadow Government is working with China. The shadow Government will betray its own government, they will bring her down. Their master is Satan himself so they execute his plans. Soon China will have its labor camps across America (I asked only America?) He said no, they will be everywhere. In essence we will become slaves as what happened the Israelites. Then I was hearing the song ‘the grand old Duke of York, he had 10,000 men he marched the up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again. I heard 10,000 x 10,000 will be the Chinese soldiers. I believe we have taken things too far out of the domain of Gods righteousness. We are destroying our future generation with our current laws that defy the very commandments of God.

We have taken the safety barriers away that was there to protect our children, faith in God and His word, so now they are polluting themselves with sin and sin leads to death and destruction. Your own children are doing what was unheard of in the last generation, committing suicide. You removed their safety barrier, you removed their hope and you removed their reward (hope of heaven). God will not allow us to destroy the next generation, so He will judge this one. It will be a sore discipline for the earth because we would otherwise destroy ourselves. The earth itself would self-destruct. Satan seeks our destruction and we have partnered with him to that very fate!  I feel Gods strong presence:

Take shelter in the Lord

he is your refuge

He is your shade when the blast of heat comes

he is your rock of ages

he does not change

he is from everlasting

I change not says the Lord

know this, the world may change but I remain the same

Constant righteous true

Rock of Ages cleft for me

let me hide myself in thee

Let the water and the blood

From thy wounded side which flowed be of sin the double cure

Keep me from wrath and make me pure.